Tears of Themis is the new romance-themed game that came by the miHoYO developers, and this is well known as a unique simulation game with a detective gacha system. Players are solving all the mysteries of the game while engaging the romantic storyline, and here come several men to choose from with several characteristics to date. They are so handsome to the extent of blowing our minds, and here comes the game to solve their hidden mysteries.
With all of these investigations and the courtroom dramas, Tears of Themis can be known as a gacha game fully rich with many cards. These cards are there for the players to draw, and there are only limited draws that come with every card. With each limited draw, they are providing a big difference within the gameplay, and for that, you need to choose them wisely. So here is the guide of these all cards.
First, downloadTears of Themis on PCand choose the best card that suits you by following this guide.
Cards in the Tears of Themis
Cards are known to be the main units, and they are collectible from the gameplay. Each of these cards is owning a featuring art with a respective interest of love. Cards are the main parts of the deck building on Tears of Themis, and they have several mechanics with them.
Card Stats
Cards are holding three stats as follows.
- Influence – these are the attacks stats on the card. They can be improved through upgrading and by enhancing.
- Defense – the stat of defense can be identified like this stat. they are capable of improving on the game by upgrading or doing an enhancement
- Power – these are the reference on the total strength depending on its Stars, Levels, and Evolution tier.
Card Attributes
A card will be classified according to three types as Empathy, Logic, and Intuition. Normally Logic is beating to the Empathy while Empathy beating to the Intuition. Likewise, Intuition is beating Logic.
These attributes are crucial to the gameplay because if you have already selected a strong attribute that is against an enemy, it will perform 1.5 x damage for them. If you choose a weak attribute towards an enemy, it will hamper the damage you get and only perform an output of 0.5x damage. Even an attribute shows a strong lower rarity card of R at the 20th level, and it can deal with more damage than those weak attributed level SSR or an SR card. The three attributes come as a sequel as follows.
- Attribute Logic – most potent against the Empathy attribute and will be weak towards the Intuition attribute.
- Empathy – this attribute is showing stringer qualities against the Intuition attribute, but it will be so weak against the Logic attribute
- Intuition – intuition attribute is strongest against the Logic attribute, but it shows weakness against the Empathy attribute.
If you are a beginner to the Tears of Themis game, you can refer to ourBeginner Guideto know the basic foundations of the game here.
Card List
In this game, cards are divided into three major rarities, and their respective cards can be identified as follows.
SSR Cards
These cards are the best cards for the game.
Artem Wing – Loving Memories
This SSR card belongs to the Intuition attribute, and the maximum influence that comes in here will be 2820. The minimum influence for this card will be 1632, and its skills are as follows.
- Preemptive strike III level 10 – dealing with a 149.96% damage influence to the single arguments.
- Forward-thinking III level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card by 7.2% on each INTUITION card within the primary deck
- Logical III level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the artem cards by 135 within the primary deck
Artem Wing of Atmospherics
This card is a logic attributed card with 2879 of maximum influence. The minimum influence here will be 1573, and its skills are as follows.
- Layer by layer Y III level 10 – boosting the influence of yours for three turns by 18%
- Painstaking investigator of III on the level 10 - boosting the influence on the base of the card by 7.2% on each cards of logic within game’s primary deck
- Rigor III level 10 – boosting the defense on the base of all Logic cards by 14.4% within the primary deck of the game
Artem Wing – Entwined Fate
This card belongs to the Empathy attribute, and its maximum influence will be 2820 while the minimum influence scored 1632. Skills on this card are
- Feigning Defeat β III level 10 – boosting the defense for two turns by 59.97%
- Versatile Lawyer III level 10 – boosting the base influence on this card by 135 on each artem card within the primary deck
- Legal expert level III level 10 – boosting the base influence on all the artem cards by 7.99 within the primary deck
Luke Pearce – Alluring Gaze
This card is belonging to the empathy attribute, and it has a 2879 maximum influence. And there is 1573 of minimum influence here. The skills that come under this card are
- Layer by layer (β) III on the level 10 – boosting the influence of the player for two turns by 24.98%
- Emotional projection of III on the level 10 – boosting the influence on base of the cards of Empathy by 7.2% within game’s primary deck
- Parallel growth of III on the levels 10 – boosting the defense of the base on all the cards of empathy by 14.4% within game’s primary deck
Luke Pearce – Perfect Partner
This card belongs to the logic attribute, and it has 2820 maximum influence with 1632 minimum influence. Skills on this card are
- Preemptive strike III level 10 – dealing with influence damage of 149.96% to the single arguments.
- Deductive reasoning III level 10 – boosting the base influence on this card by 125 on each LOGIC card within the primary deck
- Necessity III level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the Luke cards by 135 within the primary deck
The characterGuide of the Tears of Themiscan be viewed from here.
Luke Pearce – Shape Of You
This card which belongs to the intuition attribute has a 2879 maximum influence with a 1573 minimum. The skills that come under this card are
- Feigning defeat β III level 10 – boosting the defense of players for two turns by 59.97%Instantaneous capture III level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card by 7.99% on each Luke card within the primary deck
- Detective mind III level 10 – boosting the base influence on all the Luke cards by 135 within the primary deck
Marius Von Hagen – Matching Tattoos
This card from the Logic attribute has a maximum influence of 2968, and the minimum influence goes by 1484. The skills here are
- Feigning defeat β level 10 – boosting the defense for over two turns by 59.97%
- Sharp one III levels 10 – boosting the base influence on this card for every Marius Card by 135 within the primary deck
- Business negotiator III level 10 – boosting the base influence within the primary deck on each Marius card by 135
Marius Von Hagen from the Eye of the Beholder
This card of the Intuition attributed is holding a 2879 maximum influence with 1573 of minimum influence on it. The skills coming under this card are
- Layer by layer Y III level 10 – boosting the influence for three turns by 18%
- Extrapolation III level 10 – boosting the base influence of the bard within the debates by 45%
- Mediator from III – boosting the defense of base on all cards of Intuition by 14.4% within game’s primary deck
Marius Von Hagen – Narrow Road
This is an Empathy attributed card with 2820 maximum influence. There are 1632 of minimum influence in here, and skills coming under this card are
- Preemptive strike III level 10 – dealing with a damage influence by 140.96% against the single argument.
- Emotional appeal III level 10 – boosting the base influence on this card on each Empathy card by 125 within the primary deck
Vyn Richter – Near and Far
This card is having 2820 maximum influence with a 1632 minimum influence. This Intuition attributed card is holding the skills as follows.
- Preemptive strike III level 10 – dealing with a damage influence by 149.96% on a single argument.
- Keen observation III level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card by 125 on each Intuition card within the primary deck
- Sandplay therapy III level 10 – boosting the base defense by 135 on all the Vyn cards within the primary deck
Vyn Richter – Medieval Suspense
Here comes an Empathy card with a maximum influence of 2878 and a 1574 minimum influence. The skills under this card are
- Layer by layer β III level 10 – boosting the influence for over two turns by 24.95%
- Balanced III level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card within the debates by 963
- Opportunist III level 10 – boosting the base defense by 125 on each Empathy card within the primary deck
SR Cards
SR cards are the second-best cards after the SSR cards on the game.
Artem Wing – Autumn Dreams
This card is holding by the Logic attribute, and 2282, 1042 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Logical conclusionβIII level 10 – boosting the logic cards influence by 25.99% on two turns
- Versatile lawyer II levels 10 – boosting the base influence of the card on each Artem card by 108 within the primary deck.
- Incriminate II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the logic cards by 100 within the primary deck
To know more about the debates, visit ourDebate Tips Guide of Tears of Themis.
Artem Wing – Focus Fire
This card is holding by the logic attribute, and 2150, 1174 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Preemptive strike II level 10 – dealing with influence damage of 145% on a single argument
- Balanced II level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card by 770% within the debates
- Skilled diplomat of II from the level 10 – boosting the influence of base on all the cards of logic by 100 within game’s primary deck
Artem Wing – Darkest before Dawn
This card is holding by the Intuition attribute, and 2105, 1219 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Evasive maneuver β II level 10 – reducing the intuition defense on opponents by 49.04% for around two turns
- Premonition II level 10 – boosting the base defense on the card by 100 on each intuition card within the primary deck
- Radical reformer II levels 10 – boosting the base influence on all the intuition cards by 100 within the primary deck
Artem Wing – Sparks
This card is holding by the Intuition attribute, and 2327, 997 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Covering tactics Y II level 10 – reducing the influence of opponents by 13.5% for around three turns
- Sound judgments II level 10 – boosting the base defense on this card within the debates by 72%
- Radical reformer of II from levels 10 – boosting the influence of base on all the cards of intuition by 5.83% within game’s primary deck
Artem Wing from In Sickness or Health
This card is holding by the Empathy attribute, and 2150, 1174 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Lure and Bait β II level 10 – boosting the empathy card’s influence by 25.99% for around two turns
- Emotional projection of II from the level 10 – boosting the influence of the base on the card of Empathy by 5.83% within game’s primary deck.
- Flow II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the empathy cards by 100 within the primary deck
Artem Wing – Staying Humble
This card is holding by the Empathy attribute, and 2150, 1174 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Feigning defeat Y II level 10 – boosting the defense for three turns by 30.03%
- Extrapolation II level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card by 36% within debates
- Strike weakness (II) of the level 10 – boosting the influence of base on all the cards of empathy by 100 within the primary deck
Luke Pearce - Inner Sanctum
This card is holding by the Empathy attribute, and 2282, 1042 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Lure and bait β II level 10 – boosting the influence on all the empathy cards within two turns by 25.99%
- Emotional appeal II levels 10 – boosting the base influence of the card on each empathy card by 100 within the primary deck
- Parallel growth (II) of the levels 10 – boosting the defense of base on all those cards of empathy by 11.48% from primary deck
Luke Pearce - Among the Great Blue
This card is holding by the Intuition attribute, and 2105, 1219 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Feigning defeat Y II level 10 – boosting the defense of the players for three turns by 30.03%
- Strategist II level 10 – boosting the base defense of the card within the debates by 770
- Foresight (II) of the level 10- boosting the influence of base on all the cards of intuition by 100 within the game’s primary deck
Luke Pearce from Once Upon a Time
This card is holding by the Logic attribute, and 2216, 1108 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Peel by peel Y II level 10 – boosting the influence for three turns by 13.5%
- Strategist II level 10 – boosting the base defense of the card by 770 on debates
- Skilled diplomat (II) from the level 10 – boosting the all the base influence from the logic card’s by 100 coming through the primary deck
Luke Pearce on the Moment of Danger
This card is holding by the Empathy attribute, and 2150, 1174 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Preemptive strike II level 10 – dealing influence damage by 145% on a single argument
- Balanced II level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card by 770 on debates
- Drastic measures of II from the level 10 – boosting the influence of base on all the cards of empathy by 5.83% within game’s primary deck
Luke Pearce from the Timely Rescue
This card is holding by the Logic attribute, and 2327, 997 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Logical conclusion Y II level 10 – boosting the influence on all the logic cards for over three turns by 22.5%
- Painstaking level 10 – boosting the influence of base on all the cards of logic by 5.83% from the primary deck
Luke Pearce from the Radiant Sunlight
This card is holding by the Intuition attribute, and 2216, 1108 come as the maximum and minimum influence of the card, respectively. The skills that come under this card are
- Attention to detail β from the II of level 10 – boosting the cards intuition influence for over two turns by 25.99%
- Observation II level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card by 00 on each intuition card within the primary deck
- Prevention II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the intuition cards by 100 within the primary deck
Marius Von Hagen – Butterflies
This card is belonging to the Intuition attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2327. And there is a 997 minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Preemptive strike II level 10 – dealing with influence damage of 145% on a single argument
- Extrapolation II level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card within the debates by 36%
- Foresight II level 10 – boosting the base influence on all the intuition cards by 100 within the primary deck
Marius Von Hagen from A Dance on clouds
This card is belonging to the Logic attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2216. And there is 1108 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Logical conclusion β II level 10 – boosting the influence on all the logic cards for over two turns by 25.99%
- Balanced II level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card within the debates by 770
- Incriminate II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the logic cards by ten within the primary deck
Marius Von Hagen - Dream of Thebes
This card is belonging to the Logic attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2282. And there is 1042 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Feigning defeat Y II level 10 – boosting the defense for over three turn deduction by 30.03%
- Reasoning II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the Logic cards by 11.48% within the primary deck
- Waterlight II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the Logic cards by 44.48% within the primary deck
Marius Von Hagen - Child at Heart
This card is belonging to the Intuition attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2150. And there is 1174 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Attention to detail β II level 10 – boosting the influence on all the intuition cards of yours for over two turns by 25.99%
- Observation II level 10 – boosting the base influence on all the intuition cards by 100 within the primary deck
- Prevention II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the intuition cards by 100 within the primary deck
Marius Von Hagen – Overtone
This card is belonging to the Empathy attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2105. And there is 1219 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Lure and Bait β II level 10 – boosting the influence on Empathy cards for over two turns by 25.99%
- Sharp one II level 10 – boosting the base influence on cards by 108 in each of the Marius cards within the primary deck strike
- Weakness II level 10 – boosting the base influence on all empathy cards by 100 within the primary deck
Vyn Richter - Gentleman’s Game
This card is belonging to the Intuition attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2282. And there is 1042 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Preemptive strike II level 10 – dealing with influence damage of 145 to the single argument
- Balanced II level 10 – boosting the base influence of the card within the debates by 770
- Prevention II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the intuition cards by 100 within the primary deck
Vyn Richter - False Tears
This card is belonging to the Empathy attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2105. And there is 1219 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Lure and bait Y II level 10 – boosting the Empathy card’s influence for over three turns by 22.5%
- Dressage II level 10 – boosting the base influence of this card by 108 on each Vyn card within the primary deck
- Drastic measures of II from the level 10 – boosting the influence of base on all cards of Empathy by 5.83% within game’s primary deck
Vyn Richter - Mended Heart
This card is belonging to the Empathy attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2216. And there is 1108 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Peel by peel Y II level 10 – boosting the influence of the player for over three turns by 13.5%
- Emotional appeal II levels 10 – boosting the base influence of the card by 100 on each empathy card within the primary deck
- Drastic measures of II from the level 10 – boosting the influence of base on all the cards of empathy by 5.83% within game’s primary deck
Vyn Richter - Lingering Warmth
This card is belonging to the Logic attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2327. And there is a 997 minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Logical conclusion β II level 10 – boosting the influence on all the logic cards for over two turns by 25.99%
- Impeccable II level 10 – boosting the base defense of the card by 100 on each Logic card within the primary deck
- Skilled diplomat II level 10 – boosting the base influence on all the logic cards by 100 within the primary deck
Vyn Richter - Spilling Light
This card is belonging to the Logic attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2216. And there is 1108 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Negative interrogative Y II level 10 – reducing the Logic defense of opponents for over three turns by 45%
- Deductive reasoning II levels 10 – boosting the base influence of the card on each Logic card by 100 within the primary deck
- Watertight II level 10 – boosting the base defense on all the Logic cards by 11.48% within the primary deck
Richter - Mercury in Retrograde
This card is belonging to the Intuition attribute, and it has a maximum influence of 2150. And there is 1174 of minimum influence with the skills as follows.
- Attention to detail α II level 10 – boosting the influence on all the intuition cards for a one-turn by 40.96%
- Keen observation II levels 10 – boosting the base influence of the card on each intuition card by 100 within the primary deck
- Mediator II level 10 – boosting the base defense on each Intuition card by 11.48% within the primary deck
R Cards
These cards are the worsts cards available with the Tears of Themis game.
Artem Wing - Back to Business
This card has an Empathy attribute with it, and it got 1148 and 664 as its maximum and minimum influences for the game, respectively. Skills of this card are
- Indirect approach β level 10 – reducing the empathy defense of the opponents by 39.03 for over two turns
- Formidable I level 10 – when this card is placed on the support deck, it is boosting the influence by an extra amount of 1%
Artem Wing - Lock and Load
This card has a Logic attribute with it, and it got 1208 and 604 as its maximum and minimum influences for the game, respectively. Skills of this card are
- Peel by peel Y I level 10 – boosting the influence of yours for over three turns by 11.02%
- Formidable I level 10 – when this card is placed within the support deck, it is boosting the influence with an extra amount of 1%
Artem Wing - Picking a Gift
This card has an Empathy attribute with it, and it got 1244 and 568 as its maximum and minimum influences for the game, respectively. Skills of this card are
- Indirect approach Y I level 10 – reducing the Empathy defense of the opponent for over three turns by 36%
- Progressive I level 10 – when this card is placed within the support deck, it is boosting its defense with an additional amount of 1%
Artem Wing – Patience is a Virtue
This card has an Intuition attribute with it, and it got 1172 and 640 as its maximum and minimum influences for the game, respectively. Skills of this card are
- Peel by peel β I level 10 – boosting the influence for over two turns by 14.97%
- Progressive I level 10 – when this card is placed within the support deck, it is boosting the defense with an additional amount of 1%
Artem Wing – Questioning
This card has a Logic attribute with it, and it got 1329 and 604 as its maximum and minimum influences for the game, respectively. Skills of this card are
- Logical conclusion α I level 10 – boosting the influence on all the Logic cards of yours for over one turn by 32.97%
- Formidable I level 10 – when this card is within the support deck, it is boosting its influence with an additional amount of 1%
In case you need to utilize these cards with your own unique movements, don’t worry. We got you with LDPlayer. You turn your stepson, creating your own movements with unique key controls. TheKeyboard Mappingfeature of LDPLayer will let you decide what controls are more suited for you and make those controls according to your priority. Create a unique control board and turn Tears of Themis into your own unique game.
So here you have all the SSR, SR, and R cards with a complete list of their attributes and abilities. Take these for the game usage and make them so much use on your gameplay. Shine bright and rise with the Tears of Themis.